Great Day Hikes on North Carolina’s Mountains-to-Sea Trail & The 40 Hike Challenge

Great Day Hikes on North Carolina’s Mountains-to-Sea Trail is out! Edited by Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail resource manager Jim Grode and published by UNC Press, Great Day Hikes is available from the web store and your local booksellers, many of whom are providing delivery or curbside pick up while their doors are closed. All of Jim’s author events have unfortunately been cancelled, but they hope to reschedule if possible.

The Watauga Democrat newspaper wrote, “An obvious labor of love…[the book] is meticulously organized and user friendly – whether those friends are new to outdoor treks or seasoned hikers. Offering 40 hikes that are grouped and move through the three geographical regions of the state, each detailed journey is a self-contained adventure including a hike summary with notes such as degree of difficulty and trail type, hike overview, driving directions, hike directions, and full-color maps and photos.” The whole review is here.

Many of the hikes in the book are open, and for that reason, you are invited to get started on the 40 Hike Challenge. More are likely to open again soon.

Can you complete every hike outlined in the guide within the next three years? You will experience a fantastic cross section of the state and the MST, and by taking on the challenge, you will receive a special patch when you finish all 40 hikes.


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