Democratic Platform Calls For WWII-Scale Mobilization To Solve Climate Crisis

This month, the full Democratic Platform Committee approved the strongest statement about the urgent need for climate action ever issued by a major party in this country.

The platform makes for the starkest possible contrast with a party that just nominated Donald Trump — a man who has called climate change a hoax invented by and for the Chinese, who has denied basic reality such as the drought in California, and who has vowed to (try to) scuttle the unanimous agreement by the world’s nations in Paris to take whatever measures are necessary to avert catastrophic warming and keep total warming “well below 2°C.”

In contrast, one party in this country has finally embraced the blunt — and scientifically accurate — language of climate hawks as to what those measures actually entail… The Democrats:

We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We are committed to a national mobilization, and to leading a global effort to mobilize nations to address this threat on a scale not seen since World War II. In the first 100 days of the next administration, the President will convene a summit of the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.

The final draft of the platform also calls for a price on CO2 and other greenhouse gases: “Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities, and to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and help meet our climate goals.”

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1 Comment

  1. Larry Weaver

    Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats give a rats ass what happens to the environment. Political parties may hold the purse strings of Governmental money,but it’s up to an individual to create a clean environment. believe it or not Governments do not create the climate. They may control the pollution of big business, that’s just what it is big business. People have to start looking at the environment they can control, how much crap is thrown from moving cars littering the highways, how many Pepsi and Coke cans dot the trails we walk on. Stop buying crap to carry on the trail and then just flinging it into the woods. I just came back from Mohican State Park in Ohio and it’s beautiful up there,but you cannot turn a blind eye to the pop cans or the plastic cups found at scenic overlooks. Beer cans and paper nobody seems to care anymore. The rock cliffs have names and dates carved into the rock,why are people such assholes about the nature beauty surrounding them. It is not political parties doing this,it is some individuals who can’t take a quiet walk in the woods without dragging half a dozen cups and twinkie wrappers with them. I see people carrying back packs full of commercial food like McDonalds and Subways and dozens of other restaurant containers that aren’t packed out. You cannot go to any park anywhere in the United States without seeing garbage. Face it America is the biggest dumping ground in the world.

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