AT champ takes next step, hikes every state with family

After finishing the fastest thru-hike ever of the Appalachian Trail in 2011 Jennifer Pharr Davis was ready to slow down.

Having completed the then-2,180-mile trail from Maine to Georgia in 46 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes, Davis looked forward to settling down at home in Asheville with her husband, Brew, and starting a family. Their daughter, Charley, was born about 15 months later.

“After the AT record, I wanted to evolve into more sustainable hiking, day hikes and shorter overnights we could do with Charley,” she said. Davis also had a business, Blue Ridge Hiking Company, to run and a book about her AT accomplishment to promote, titled “Called Again.”

So Davis’ next adventure — hiking all 50 states with Brew and Charley — grew out of a desire to balance family, business and time spent outdoors on the trail.

“We had planned, every summer, to do a book tour,” Davis said. “We’d set it up ourselves. The original plan was eight weeks of events and we were just going to hike up in New England. And one day, we just had the idea: look, we’re running ragged working at home. Why don’t we work together and have an adventure?”

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