An estimated 2,000 U.S. veterans are set to protect protesters at Standing Rock

U.S. military veterans continue to arrive at the snowy Standing Rock encampment to form a human shield between protesters and police. By Sunday, camp organizers say, about 2,000 vets will be on site. “Our goal is to stand there and if need be take the rounds for the First Nations people so they can do their thing,” said Mark Sanderson, a former Army Sergeant who served...

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Back to civics class: 10 things to know about Standing Rock

What writers don’t know about the world outweighs what we do know by a ratio of 100-1, at best. We get away with reporting the news as if we know something because, as Mark Twain noted, we do the legwork, we interview the colorful suspects, and we buy ink by the barrel. Then comes a sudden, confounding event like the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy at the Hunkpapa...

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