USFS And CDC Issue Safe Hiking, Mountain Biking Guidelines For Virus

Hiking is a wonderful way to see and experience the many wonders of the nation’s forests. As summer transitions into fall, the weather and scenery this time of year provide near perfect hiking conditions.

It is important to consider however, that the weather at higher elevations may be much colder, harsher and wetter, especially as the season changes.

The best way to make sure you and your family return home safely from any hike, no matter the length is to consider the Forest Service’s Hiking safety advice.

Obtain a trail map to help you plan your route based on your ability, available time and interest.
Make sure everyone knows what to do if they become lost or a medical emergency arises.
Wet surfaces can be a hazard and even more so if it’s on a slope.
Pack as light as possible. Leave the extras behind, but consider bringing essentials.

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services advises all North Carolinians to practice the three Ws: wear a mask (when you cannot maintain 6 feet of distance), wait 6 feet between yourself and others, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.

Greater detail here…


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