101 things to do in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most-visited national park in the country for a good reason: there are countless things to do spread across two states and thousands of acres. But sometimes it can be difficult to pick just one thing to do in the park. Other times you may find yourself in a rut doing the same thing over and over. So here is a list of 101 things to do in the Smokies to give you a little inspiration, a lot of suggestions, and maybe help you create your next adventure.

Here are a few to get you started:

1. Visit the Cable Mill at Cades Cove
2. Watch a Black Bear in a Tree
3. Visit the Look Rock Observation Tower
4. Stop by the Clingman’s Dome Visitor Center
5. Bring Your Own Horses to a Horse Campground
6. Spend a Weekend at an Off the Beaten Path Campground
7. Tour Inside the Historic Buildings
8. Look for Wild Turkeys in the Park
9. Visit Mingus Mill
10. Go Tubing at Deep Creek

and here is the complete list…


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