The Green, Green, Greening of Spring – A Photo Essay

Pisgah National Forest comes alive in early May. It seems as though the greening happens almost overnight. Daniel Ridge Loop Trail is an amazing place to experience the changing of the forest from its sleepy, drab brown hues to the vibrant verdant that fills the senses. The creek along the pathway is the most picturesque in Pisgah Ranger District in my opinion, and the varieties of hardwood trees, wildflowers, and understory vegetation will keep you enthralled for hours.

My brother Dave and I hiked the loop trail on May 2, 2017 with little in mind other than to enjoy the sights and sounds… and we were treated to a verdure masterpiece. The creek was teeming after a recent rain storm and the plants were loving it. Even the birds were in the spirit, singing a symphony that made each stride along the trail seem in rhythm with their chorus.

We stopped a lot… to take pictures, to marvel at the intensity of the green, to enjoy a snack and each other’s company, to soak it all in. Time seemed to stand still, but before we knew it we had finished the five mile loop and had recorded another fantastic memory.

Following is a pictorial essay of our day spent on Daniel Ridge. Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below the gallery. Thanks for visiting!



This post was created by Jeff Clark. Please feel free to use the sharing icons below, or add your thoughts to the comments. Pack it in, pack it out. Preserve the past. Respect other hikers. Let nature prevail. Leave no trace.



  1. Very well done, Jeff. My favorite is the long range view of an entire mountain side, with every tree in a different shade of green. Makes the eyes vibrate. Vann

  2. Tim Truemper

    Was there last fall and its a very pleasant walk. Much more water for you on this one than for me as it was drought conditions. Today’s post came at a good time as this is a cray-cray work day and this gave me a respite.

  3. Tim Truemper

    BTW I meant to ask if there was much downfall and clutter at Daniel Ridge Falls? It was really jumbled up with debris last October.

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