7 Ways To Get Fit For Your Weekend Hike

Alright, so you’ve decided you want to go hike a mountain. Even the most fit person needs to be sure they’re prepared to start hiking — as climbing that big hill takes a lot more endurance than your average gym session.

Your first hike requires you to not only be physically fit, but also mentally fit and prepared. What if one of your friends comes up and says “I did it — I bought myself some hiking gear — let’s go!”

Well friend, that really is fantastic, but get prepared because having the right gear is just one of the most important steps to getting fit for your first weekend hike.

Since hiking your first mountain can be a daunting task in itself (seriously, it will singlehandedly be one of the most physically and mentally enduring tasks you’ve ever done — but don’t worry, it gets easier over time), here is a list of the top 7 Ways to Get Fit for Your Weekend Hike.

And remember.. the reward at the top isn’t only the view — it’s the sheer fact that you will be beaming with pride for having reached the summit.


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