Several modifications could be on the way to help alleviate traffic congestion at the entrance to Pisgah National Forest, improve the intersection of Highways 276 and 64, and bring more pedestrian access to the area.
The N.C. Department of Transportation has submitted several projects for funding, one that would widen Highway 276 at the entrance to the forest, one to improve the intersection and another to add a pedestrian bridge.
The proposal to improve the intersection has two alternatives: an update of the signalized intersection like the one currently in use, and a roundabout, according to NCDOT Division Construction Engineer Brian Burch.
The improvements are needed to improve safety and pedestrian access and to ease traffic volume and congestion that motorists are experiencing at that intersection especially during weekends and holidays, he said.
NCDOT will submit the project as part of the draft State Transportation Improvements Program in January, after which environmental studies will begin before alternatives are chosen and the project goes to the public for input.
Traffic studies will be conducted and hopefully completed in the spring, Burch said. That will determine which alternative is the best fit for the intersection, after which an environmental document will be prepared and NCDOT will proceed with design and construction.