Wildlife agency urges New Year’s Day hiking

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department encourages holiday revelers to start the New Year off right by taking a hike.

“The First Day Hikes initiative has proven itself as the ideal way for people to physically make a statement about trying to live a more active lifestyle in 2016,” said Brent Leisure, state parks director. “State parks are an ideal setting for achieving that goal and enjoying nature, with the added benefit of spending time with family and friends.”

On Jan. 1, more than 70 state parks and natural areas will host First Day Hikes. Scheduled events in Texas can be found here. Similar events take place in all 50 states.

First Day Hikes are led by knowledgeable state park staff and volunteers. The distance and rigor vary from park to park, but all hikes aim to create a fun experience for the whole family. People are invited to savor the beauty of the state park’s natural resources with the comfort of an experienced guide so they may be inspired to take advantage of these local treasures throughout the year.

On Jan. 1, 2015, a record-breaking 41,000 people hiked 72,442 miles in state parks across America, according to the National Association of State Parks.


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