Colorado hiking trail closed because too many people are taking selfies with bears

Waterton Canyon, near Denver, is closed because of bear activity. The popular trail was closed Aug. 28, 2015 because two momma bears, each with twin cubs, and other bears were actively foraging in the canyon. Part of the problem is not the bears, but people trying to get the perfect picture of them.

“We’ve actually seen people using selfie sticks to try and get as close to the bears as possible, sometimes within 10 feet of wild bears,” said Brandon Ransom, Denver Water’s manager of recreation. “The current situation is not conducive for the safety of our visitors or the well-being of the wildlife.”

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) said this time of year bears are actively seeking food to prepare for hibernation. “It is a poor choice from our perspective, A) to get that close to wildlife and B) to turn your back, particularly on bears,” said Matt Robbins, a spokesman for CPW.

The hashtag #bearselfie has become increasingly popular, though, and may be part of a broader trend – people risking their lives to get the perfect self-photo. #eejits

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1 Comment

  1. Tim Truemper

    Was in Colorado the week when this story appeared in the Denver Post. Incredible. This year we focused on wilderness area hikes and found that to be just as good or better than what we experienced in Rocky Mtn Ntl Park. If you have not been to Maroon Bells (borders on wilderness), then you must check it out, even though it gets busy even during the week. Lots of area to check out.
    Looking forward to your next hiking post.

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