Sasquatch wants you to go hiking in southern Oregon

Maybe not everyone believes in Sasquatch (or Bigfoot), but it’s still a good thing to look over your shoulder when you hike in southern Oregon. At least that’s the opinion of the authors of a revolutionary new hiking book, “Hiking Sasquatch Country,” by Wendy and Gary Swanson of Grants Pass.

The book covers 39 hikes and 37 historical points of interest in southern Oregon, selected for their beauty more than for their physical challenge.

What makes this book unique, also in the opinion of the authors, is that all but three of the 76 adventures are linked to an online photo journal for the reader to preview on their laptop or mobile device.

Hikes range from above Wolf Creek, the Rogue River Trail past Galice, through the Illinois Valley, across the Applegate Valley and through the historic areas of Oregon’s border with California. This is Oregon’s Bigfoot country, a.k.a. Sasquatch, in the wilds of the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon’s Jackson and Josephine counties.

If you run into a Bigfoot, don’t call the sheriff in one of those counties, because you’re more likely to see a Sasquatch than a deputy.

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