Comments on: On garbage and tolerance in the wilderness A Hiking Blog Tue, 26 May 2015 16:58:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Truemper Tue, 26 May 2015 16:58:00 +0000 Thanks for this posting. I found the blog responses to be just as illuminating. I make it a habit to bring along a bag to pick up whatever debris may be lying about that is small. I was dismayed and astounded to find litter on the glacier at Mt. Rainer! Of all places….. And have picked up at Rocky Mtn Natl Park, Shenandoah, Smoky Mtn. I find that there is usually less in Wilderness areas. I sometimes wonder, who aimlessly tosses stuff at places of natural beauty? Last fall I was returning from a camping trip and made a stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway to take short hike to an overlook. As I was getting to the trailhead a family stopped and was on there way to the same location. Not two feet from their vehicle, one of the group throws a large slurpy cup on the ground. I ran over, picked it up and then said “I think you dropped this!” They all stopped and just stared. Was not trying to shame them, but trying to create some awareness. In the end, I put it in my trash bag in my car and did not even go on the trail as I was too upset to share the area with them.
