High school students interested in spending their 2015 summer in a national park and gaining valuable skills have at least three parks to consider for jobs with the Youth Conservation Corps. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, and Joshua Tree National Park in California all are seeking applications for their YCC programs.
At Shenandoah, YCC enrollees work to maintain park trails, roads, buildings and campgrounds while learning about the national parks. This year’s 8-week YCC program begins Monday, June 15, and runs through Friday, August 7. Applicants for YCC crew member positions must be between the ages of 16 and 18 during the employment period. YCC enrollees work 40 hours per week and earn minimum wage. Additional program information and the current application can be obtained online from the park’s website.
At Grand Teton, officials hope to enroll 15-25 short-term positions during this recruitment period, which ends March 20. The 2015 YCP program will span ten weeks from June 15 through August 21. Participants must be at least 16 years of age by June 15, and live locally as housing is not provided. Visit the park’s website for more information.
At Joshua Tree, there will be an eight-week-long YCC program that starts June 15. Youths between the ages of 15 and 18 are encouraged to apply. To be eligible, applicants may not reach their 19th birthday during the program. Selected applicants will earn the hourly California Minimum Wage. Work hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., with every other Friday off. Application forms are available from Joshua Tree National Park Headquarters in Twentynine Palms. The application form must be returned or postmarked, no later than April 11.
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