Legions of hikers and state “highpointers” have had the vision for years that if you build an overlook on Sassafras Mountain, the curious will come. Now, it looks like the idea for an accessible observation platform straddling the North Carolina-South Carolina border is on its way, thanks to a $350,000 gift to the S.C. Department of Natural Resources.
The department will be able start drawing up plans and moving dirt for building a new observation platform at the summit of Sassafras Mountain, the highest peak in South Carolina.
Work on the platform is expected to begin this summer and take about six months to complete. Other amenities, including restrooms, a picnic area and an upgraded trail to the platform, will require more fund-raising.
Architectural renderings are drawn, modeled partly on the handicap-accessible observation platform at Mount Mitchell State Park in North Carolina’s Yancey County, about 30 miles northeast of Asheville. Formal plans will go out to bid soon.
Fund-raising for Sassafras Mountain platform continues. For more information, contact Tom Swayngham, DNR Upstate regional wildlife biologist, at [email protected] or 864-654-1671, Ext. 21.