Tell someone from the Willamette Valley that you’re headed to Golden and Silver Falls State Park, and there’s a good chance you’ll get a blank stare in response. “Um… you mean Silver Falls State Park, right?” Actually, no.
Although it shares a strikingly similar name with the largest and one of most popular parks in Oregon, Golden and Silver Falls is its own unique place. Tucked deep in the Coast Range east of Coos Bay, this state park is smaller and attracts a fraction of the crowds compared with its famous counterpart.
But when it comes to the beauty of its waterfalls, Golden and Silver Falls play second fiddle to no place in the Pacific Northwest. The 200-foot Golden Falls and 130-foot Silver Falls have been called the two most impressive waterfalls in Oregon’s Coast Range, and when you see them after a heavy winter rain, it’s difficult to argue.
Golden Falls roars into a box canyon with so much ferocity, it kicks up mist that plumes upward like smoke from a wildfire. Silver Falls, in contrast, spools off a rounded dome like gray hair falling off a balding head.